Friday, August 29, 2014

Quick Update from Terrebonne

Apologies for the lack of posts. Of course I can only be a little bit sorry because my lack of posts means lack if down time and therefore LOADS of fun! I have made my way to Oregon, Smith Rocks to be exact. The rock here did not excite me very much at first but I stuck around for the people and have learned to love the rock. The campsite is a big family and the views are amazing everywhere! I may be staying here for another week or so. Sqaumish will still be around. 

Here are a couple photos:

Saturday, August 16, 2014

Stop #14 Lander WY, and Wild Iris

My computer has 1% battery as I am writing this so I won't say much right now. Lander is a great place though, adorable town, and SO much great climbing. Wild Iris is my favorite so far. Steep Limestone, my first flapper, great company.
Bouldering in Sinks Canyon, Nixi was plumb tuckered out after chasing chipmunks all day!

Flapper I got on my third attempt to send 12a in Wild Iris.

My most successful attempt at "The Solace of Bolted Faces" 12a, this was the day after the flapper. Photo credit goes to Matt.

Friday, August 15, 2014

Stop #13 City of Rocks

Every new place I climb at quickly becomes my favorite place to climb. The City of Rocks is literally a city composed of rocks...and you better like rocks a whole lot because there isn't much else around. The tiny town of Almo Idaho is about 15 minutes away and contains one gas station, a general store, a hotel, and a quirky store named Rock City that serves pizza and an excellent selection of beer. Rock City is engineered to serve climbers except for the fact that they WILL NOT make pizza after 7:30pm, so all the late evening climbers are plumb outta luck! Unfortunately I did not take many photos at the city, yes I know I should have but I love being unplugged and so I fell behind. The guys I was climbing with took a few so at some point I'll have access to those.

"Serenity of Solitude" I took this on my way to the City, across the mountains from Jackson in Idaho.

Stop #12 Tetons Numero Uno

I swung through the Tetons after driving through Yellowstone although I can't say I really visited them because all I did was pull over to take pictures a couple times. I picked up these two young men from Taiwan who were hitch hiking down to Jackson for "Thai Place"(a restaurant). We drove down to Jackson to the soundtrack of Taiwanese "Party Music" since I don't speak any Taiwanese and they didn't speak much English. After arriving in the town of Jackson I went out for Thai Food with them and they bought me some Thai Tea. Shortly after I set off for the City of Rocks.

Stop #11 Yellowstone National Park

My time in Yellowstone was short, partially because I was dying to climb, but mostly because of the tourists drawn to the park like fire ants to a slip n' slide. Without a doubt one of the most beautiful places I have seen here are a few photos:
Sunset driving through the park

"Moonlit"- North Yellowstone, As I drove through the park at dusk I saw steam rising above the river and hiked over to find these beautiful falls. This is one of my few successful photos using the moon as lighting.

Steam rising from a thermal pool during the day. 

Stop #10 Bozeman, MT

There are many things I could say about Bozeman, but I'm going to keep it short and sweet. Bozeman felt like home to me. It was partly because of good company but there was something else that I haven't been able to put my finger on.
"American Pride"- Driving through the countryside of MT in the Jeep

Majestic little Nixi loved the Jeep!
Cascade Falls in Hyalite Canyon

The high waters of the Reservoir in Hyalite Canyon