Friday, October 17, 2014

Bull City Chick

have been effectively bouncing back and forth from Virginia to North Carolina and as a result I am sick of driving. I packed almost all my belongings into my two door civic this week and now have a lot of sorting to do. Here are some photos from Durham and Cville.

Friday, October 10, 2014

East Coast Baby!

For those of you who don't know(and read my blog). Nixi and I are back East, we rolled through Kentucky a week ago, then to Durham and now on to Charlottesville. The drive back was simply delightful although a bit gloomy...we drove in and out of a massive storm for the whole week! Despite the rain Lucy and I and our foxy puppies jammed to great tunes old and new and chatted each others ears off, it sounds funny saying that because I actually don't think we could chat each other's ears off, we both enjoy talking to each other way too much! After an amazing month and a half at Smith and and road trip I know we will be friends for life. For those of you who know me well you know that a road trip is an ultimate test of whether we get along or not, Lucy passed with flying colors. I am still not used to sleeping inside and not climbing every day but time is flying faster than expected.

Now for an update on the future, I am moving into my car at the end of October and setting off again! I plan to head west, maybe stopping in CO or UT on the way. The ultimate destination will be CA unless my Fancypants is somewhere else. Aside from the vague outline I am leaving the rest of the trip up to Nixi, she did an excellent job with the last one after all.

Here are a few photos from the road trip on the way back:
Rainy but beautiful Spearfish Canyon

I can't help myself! Rocks are too tempting-Black Hills SD

Just a small bit of the beautiful sleeve Lucy drew on me.

Climbing "Goldrush" 11d-Red River Gorge KY