Friday, October 10, 2014

East Coast Baby!

For those of you who don't know(and read my blog). Nixi and I are back East, we rolled through Kentucky a week ago, then to Durham and now on to Charlottesville. The drive back was simply delightful although a bit gloomy...we drove in and out of a massive storm for the whole week! Despite the rain Lucy and I and our foxy puppies jammed to great tunes old and new and chatted each others ears off, it sounds funny saying that because I actually don't think we could chat each other's ears off, we both enjoy talking to each other way too much! After an amazing month and a half at Smith and and road trip I know we will be friends for life. For those of you who know me well you know that a road trip is an ultimate test of whether we get along or not, Lucy passed with flying colors. I am still not used to sleeping inside and not climbing every day but time is flying faster than expected.

Now for an update on the future, I am moving into my car at the end of October and setting off again! I plan to head west, maybe stopping in CO or UT on the way. The ultimate destination will be CA unless my Fancypants is somewhere else. Aside from the vague outline I am leaving the rest of the trip up to Nixi, she did an excellent job with the last one after all.

Here are a few photos from the road trip on the way back:
Rainy but beautiful Spearfish Canyon

I can't help myself! Rocks are too tempting-Black Hills SD

Just a small bit of the beautiful sleeve Lucy drew on me.

Climbing "Goldrush" 11d-Red River Gorge KY

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