Thursday, September 18, 2014

Stop #17 Devils Playground-Utah

After procrastination in Wyoming and a late night decision to drive to Oregon instead of Cali I wound up lost in Devils Playground. Even though it was out of the way I was drawn there and spent hours into the middle of the night wending my way through bumpy dirt roads in the middle of nowhere/Northwestern Utah. Needless to say my headlights eventually panned across some rocks and I parked the car and almost instantly fell asleep. In the morning I woke up in the middle of Devil's Playground all by my self. It was incredibly serene. I cooked breakfast and immediately needed to put my hands on all the beautiful rock around me. Nixi and I romped around and did some great off roading until we headed to Smith in the late afternoon.

Some of the gorgeous rocks in the Playground

"Sinful Sending"- How could I help but climb naked it was the Devil's Playground after all.

"Sacrificial Atonement"- This is the scariest self portrait I've taken yet I am laying on the edge of a stone that juts out twenty some feet in the air, needless to say balance was crucial.

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