Thursday, September 18, 2014

Stop #16 BLM Land on WY/ID border

Leaving Jackson was hard and because I felt reluctant to move West I was looking for excuses to stay in Wyoming as I began to drive Southwest towards Nevada. As I drove south I saw a beautiful fin of rock sticking up between two mountains and naturally I had to go explore it! I found bear poop, heard cougars in the night, slept for a good 12 hours, and free soloed my first off width.
Driving in, yet another off roading adventure with Matilda.
"Willful Wyoming"- Self portrait taken in a cave 200 feet up after free soloing the biggest fin in the canyon.

The obvious crack/ramp system in this photo is what I free soloed to find the cave shown above, it doesn't look too big in this photo but the first crack system was probably about 80 feet and with my  perception of height it very well could have been 100.

1 comment:

  1. Wow! What else could be said. I love your black and white photo above. Of course you say, but you are gorgeous and I love the sense of freedom it inspires. Very beautiful!
